1130 Ruddick Ave, Suite 101
Columbus, IN • 812.581.0130

Southern Indiana Taiko Inc. in Columbus, Indiana is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that creates energetic taiko performances and informational programs that educate about cultural diversity to build a more accepting and engaged community for charitable and educational purposes.
Thursdays 3:45-4:30 pm
This fun action packed class is designed especially for school students. Lots of games and activities to make learning taiko fun and easy.
After you submit your registration form for classes and pay for your class via this link, your class spot will be reserved and you will receive a welcome email with more information from your instructor.
Already a student? You can pay online here!
If you have always wanted to try taiko this fun activity class if for you! Emphasis will be placed on learning proper technique and fun easy to learn rhythms!
(Ages 12 and up)
Sunday, March 9th
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $25
HS Students: $15
registration must be paid in advance to reserve your spot